Sona-40: Improved Onion Variety
Babasaheb Nanabhau Pisore
Bid, Maharashtra

10th National Grassroots Innovation - 2019

 Innovator Profile

Babasaheb (64) is well known progressive and experienced farmer in the field of onion cultivation and seed production. He has developed Sona-40variety of onion through mass selection from N-2-4-1variety based on the criteria of healthyplants,bigger and uniform flower size. Initiated in the year 2000, the selection process continued till 2005, when the desired characters were stabilized. He named the new variety- Sona-40.

This early maturing variety is known for its bulbs with single predominant axes made from the thick ring. The red coloured medium sized bulbs are free from splitting and have good shelf life. The variety has been validated at two locations under Dr.Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth (Dr. BSKKV), Dapoli, Maharashtra. During the study, Sona-40 was found to be superior in terms of average bulb weight, no. of rings per bulb, ring size, keeping quality and lower incidence of blotch disease as compared to checks. The variety produced significantly higher bulb yield (33 - 34 tons/ha) at both the locations over checks.

Babasaheb has received Krishi Bhooshanaward from Maharashtra State for progressive farming and his contribution to onion cultivation. NIF-India has supported for on-farm trials and dissemination of the variety in twelve states and encouraging results and feedback was received from growers of Rajasthan and Maharashtra. Over 13,600 kg seeds of the variety has been distributed to the farmers of Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka since 2016. The process of registration of the variety under PPV & FR Act, 2001 has already been initiated by NIF-India.