Metal Protected acid scale remover radiator cleaner
Mr. Bharat Thumar
Rajkot, Gujarat

1st National Grassroots Innovation - 2001

Mr. Thumar is a self employed small scale entrepreneur. He has developed this cleaner through his own research and development. When he was approached by NIF to assist in patenting, he expressed fears about leakage of his formulations. The innovator has developed Solex cleaner in such a way that even when 20 per cent sulphuric acid (wt/vrl) is added, it does not damage the cooling system metal. It’s complete cleaner which can remove any hard scale. Scale is a salt of Ca and Mg and contains Co3, Cl, S, etc. This cleaner does not affect water pump sealing kit, gaskets etc. So there is no need for any specific pump like PP or FRP. A simple home water pump can be used for descaling. After dilution its PH comes to 0.0. This cleaner can save billions of rupees, as other cleaners are 82 times more damaging with HCL acid. This cleaner also increases the life of cooling system 10-20 times. It it is pollution-free, strong and does not damage the metal.