machines device
Ashok Aasrani
Jaipur, Rajasthan

IGNITE 2010 - 2010


What’s the Big Idea?

Physiotherapy machines that work without electricity and cost much less than other machines in the market. 

These machines are already installed in physiotherapy centers in Jaipur and have received positive feedback from the medical community.

Inspiration behind the Idea

Ashok belongs to a family of carpenters.  Financial conditions at home were difficult and after school, Ashok would help out his father.  

Once, Ashok was assisting him to make furniture for a hospital.  He noticed a doctor helping a small child stand up by propping him against a wall.  The child recently had an operation and his legs were still weak.  They couldn’t support his body and he kept falling down. Seeing the child’s pain, Ashok imagined “a machine that could provide support to make it easier for people recovering from operations and injuries”. 

He discussed his idea with the doctor who promised him that if he could make such a machine, he would definitely use it. Excited, Ashok started working.  It was the first time he was making something like this, so there was a lot of trial and error.  “For example,’ he says, “to provide support to the knee, I first used a thick cloth but it kept moving from its place.  I tried different things and finally came up with the idea of using a bike tyre.  It was ideal as it fitted easily and perfectly supported the knees.” 

After six months of trial and error, his first machine was ready.  He gradually made other machines including a parallel bar for support while walking; a shoulder wheel to offer support while rotating one’s arm; a standing frame for supporting the knees and a pulley for shoulder exercises.  The machines were tested by doctors who gave a positive feedback.  

On Winning IGNITE 

Ashok cherishes the opportunity to meet Dr. Kalam.  “My friends call me the ‘local missile man’ because I love missiles.  Dr Kalam had come once to my hometown for visiting children who were physically challenged.  I was unable to meet him then but getting an award from him for a device that helps such children is a dream come true for me,” he says.      

Just for Fun

Even as a child, Ashok loved experimenting. During the day, he was busy with school and then working with his father.  It was only in the night that he got time to try new things.  But slowly, he started getting small successes.  For example, he found a method of extracting an inflammable chemical from orange peels.

His interest, in turn, helped him to support his education.  Whenever he came up with an interesting innovation, the local media covered it.  His school was proud of his achievement and came up with a unique way to keep him motivated.  Each time he got any media coverage, his school did not charge any fees for that month, thus reducing the financial burden on his parents.   

Support from Family 

Although Ashok’s parents cannot support him financially, they always encourage him try new things and act as a safety net when things go wrong.  His father not only motivates Ashok to do well, but also tells him to help others, especially “the poor children who lack access to good schools”.

Ashok regularly interacts with children in a school near his house and motivates them to be creative. Of course, his own success and passion makes him a good role model.  For example, he mentions a 12-year old boy in his area who rewired the television remote in his house so that it could also be used to operate fans.  “The boy told me that he could do it because he got inspired from me,” Ashok says with pride in his voice. 

Hopes & Dreams

Currently pursuing a diploma course from an Industrial Training Institute (ITI), Ashok is also working on other ideas.  They include a way to harness solar energy effectively and a device to help those who lose a limb in an accident.    

There are many students in our country who live in areas where education is not easily accessible or who have to work to support their education. However, Ashok’s success shows that regardless of financial status, we are born rich in mind and proper channelization of this can help us achieve our dreams and earn a name for ourselves. 



 Patent filed no:- 2600/DEL/2010