Herbal medication for bloat
Laxmiben Pratapji Thakarda
Banas Kantha, Gujarat

10th National Grassroots Innovation - 2019

 Innovator Profile

Laxmiben (50) gained knowledge of treating livestock with help of several herbal medications learned from her grandmother. She practiced this knowledge with the support of her husband and is a known ‘Pashuvaid’ (veterinary healer) of her village.

Bloat is a clinical condition wherein animals suffer from enlarged abdomen, pain, lack of motility of abdominal organs and respiratory distress.Laxmiben administersabout 200g fresh leaves of an herb once per day orally for 2 to 3 days to cure the clinical condition of bloat. This herbal medication resulted in significant reduction of abdominal girth from 30 minutes of observation and maintained the impact for a period of 2.5 hours during validation. Further, it enhanced abdominal motility by one hour duration and sustained the impact till 2.5 hours indicating its efficacy.

The name(s) of the plant(s) used in the herbal medicationhave been withheld due to IP reasons.