Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Department synergize its efforts by enabling the documentation and classification of grassroots innovations and strategically disseminate information through various communication channels to reach out stake holders. ICT tools are used to maintain large databases of indigenous knowledge and inventions, ensuring that traditional and contemporary ideas are accessible for research and development. ICT facilitates communication between innovators, researchers, and industries, fostering collaboration.

The department integrates advanced technology with effective communication strategies to drive the organization's mission. The IT team is responsible for the development, implementation, and maintenance of robust digital platforms and secure data management systems. By utilizing cutting-edge IT solutions, they ensure efficient handling of NIF India's extensive database of innovations and intellectual properties, facilitating seamless collaboration and optimizing processes across various projects.

Simultaneously, the Communication Department is dedicated to strategically manage and disseminate information to elevate NIF India's presence and impact. The team crafts compelling narratives about the organization's initiatives, achievements, and opportunities, engaging a diverse range of participants through traditional media, digital platforms, newsletter and public relations strategies. Their efforts nurture transparency, enhance public awareness, and encourage collaboration, ensuring that NIF India's message reaches the right audience.