Power Saving Technical Pump
Mr. Ram Naresh Yadav
Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

1st National Grassroots Innovation - 2001

 Born on February 8, 1944, he has studied up to high school level. Received help in his innovation from Science & Technology department, TEPP and IIT, Kanpur.   Called Power-Saving Technical (PST) pump set, it is available in three models: Jal Dhara, Kishan Jal Dhara and Pawan Jal Dhara with one kw and three kw. The pump can draw water from well, stream, pond, canal etc. and uses various kinds of energy. In case of electricity, the saving is 60%, oil engine 60%, cattle power 100%, and solar power 60-70%. It’s easy to operate and durable.  Advantages: This pump could be used to reduce the diesel consumption and electricity. Incase, both of these fuels are not available, it could be run with the help of human or animal power. Although, this pump consumes less fuel or energy, its output wouldn't change. This pump can also be used for irrigation of high value crop.