am Kumar Patel (46 years), has studied till standard eight. He lives in a joint family with his parents and brother. He owns about nine acres of land. In 2000, while cultivating soyabean, he developed the idea of making a weeder. His wife supports his efforts and helps him a great deal in maintaining and cleaning the spare parts of the machine as and when required. He has received full cooperation from Mr R L Mishra, Agriculture Development officer, Karakvel, in developing this weeder and the Agriculture department has also given a letter of appreciation.
The weeder is propelled by a 2-2.5 HP Rajdoot engine and is easy to handle. It is made up of used iron angle, gears, chain sprocket, clutch, tines, lever and an engine of motorbike powered by fuel. The clutch is positioned in between the handle bars. Weeds can be removed from one hectare land in roughly five hours. Without engine, the weeder costs Rs. 3,000 and with engine it costs Rs. 20,000. By hiring laborers for removing weeds earlier, he used to pay Rs 500 for an acre, whereas now it costs only Rs 60-70 for petrol. He saves about Rs 400 acre. One can fix or change the gap between two tines while weeding and thereby area of coverage of tines can be altered. Depth of rows can also be altered. Small sprayer pump can also be operated with this instrument.