The existing flood irrigation system requires ample amount of water. Drip and sprinkler irrigation systems utilize water efficiently but it is very difficult to irrigate long and dense crops by them and in short duration.
The existing sprinklers are moving discharge sprinklers; single nozzle assemblies, which have been employed with a deflector, used to breakup the single fluid stream. In these moving discharge sprinklers, the deflector and the nozzle assembly have each been separately driven by gear connections to the transmission.
Annasaheb Udagavi, a farmer in Sadala village of chikkoditaluka in Belgaun district, North Karnataka. He is also known for his extra ordinary skill in reparing old Buddhist statues. Called Chandraprabha Water Gun (Rain gun), it is an innovative sprinkler, which washes away white flies and Aphids from the tobacco plant. The sprinkler system is also useful in irrigating sugarcane.Annasaheb Udagavi, a farmer in Sadala village of chikkoditaluka in Belgaun district, North Karnataka, has designed sprinkler system which covers as much as 140 feet radius to irrigate the sugar cane. Many years ago, when hardly anybody knew about drip irrigation, he thought of using it in his own way. To save his betel-vine orchard from the acute scarcity of water, He fitted PVC pipes, used in electrical fittings, after making perforations with nails. He spent 30,000 Rs/- to cover 2 acres of betel-vine in 1985. By irrigating it for an hour every dy, he successfully maintained the orchard for 7 years. But poor prices for betel leaf & labour problems made him switch to other crops.
Annasaheb Udagavi, a farmer in Sadala village of chikkoditaluka in Belgaun district, North Karnataka. He is also known for his extra ordinary skill in reparing old Buddhist statues. Called Chandraprabha Water Gun (Rain gun), it is an innovative sprinkler, which washes away white flies and Aphids from the tobacco plant. The sprinkler system is also useful in irrigating sugarcane.Annasaheb Udagavi, a farmer in Sadala village of chikkoditaluka in Belgaun district, North Karnataka, has designed sprinkler system which covers as much as 140 feet radius to irrigate the sugar cane. Many years ago, when hardly anybody knew about drip irrigation, he thought of using it in his own way. To save his betel-vine orchard from the acute scarcity of water, He fitted PVC pipes, used in electrical fittings, after making perforations with nails. He spent 30,000 Rs/- to cover 2 acres of betel-vine in 1985. By irrigating it for an hour every dy, he successfully maintained the orchard for 7 years. But poor prices for betel leaf & labour problems made him switch to other crops.
Washing away pests:
A novel way of pest control He thencultivvated tobacco for a few years & thought again about a new sprinkler irrigation system. He believed that the best method to save his crop was to wash down aphids and white flies with a high-pressure water spray. He switched over to sugarcane cultivation for better returns. Although he had dug another well for irrigating the sugar cane crop, the problem of salinity and the difficulty of irrigating the dense crop made him search for an alternative. And then the sprinkler irrigation system started taking shape.
Birth of new Sprinkler:
By studying the conventional sprinkler irrigation system, he designed a new one to suit the sugar cane crop. He worked with wood at home and later fabricated it at a foundry. After installing it in his field, he further improved its design. To achieve a balanced shaft movement, He added about 400 gm additional weight. At the outlet, he provided a groove for fixing nozzles of different sizes to throw water at different length as per need. Further, he introduced a locking system to prevent the sprinkler head from throwing water into neighboring fields. With all this refinements, he has now an almost perfect sprinkler head, which he has named after goodness Chandraprabha.
Annasaheb Udagavi, a farmer in Sadala village of chikkoditaluka in Belgaun district, North Karnataka. He is also known for his extra ordinary skill in reparing old Buddhist statues. Called Chandraprabha Water Gun (Rain gun), it is an innovative sprinkler, which washes away white flies and Aphids from the tobacco plant. The sprinkler system is also useful in irrigating sugarcane.Annasaheb Udagavi, a farmer in Sadala village of chikkoditaluka in Belgaun district, North Karnataka, has designed sprinkler system which covers as much as 140 feet radius to irrigate the sugar cane. Many years ago, when hardly anybody knew about drip irrigation, he thought of using it in his own way. To save his betel-vine orchard from the acute scarcity of water, He fitted PVC pipes, used in electrical fittings, after making perforations with nails. He spent 30,000 Rs/- to cover 2 acres of betel-vine in 1985. By irrigating it for an hour every dy, he successfully maintained the orchard for 7 years. But poor prices for betel leaf & labour problems made him switch to other crops.
Comparison with other designs:
A simple comparison of a conventional sprinkler system with this clearly illustrates the advantages of his innovations over other systems. Two ‘Chandraprabha Rain gun’ sprinkler heads are enough to irrigate acres of sugarcane. The per head cost is Rs. 3,500/-. The per acre installation cost is Rs. 15,000/-, inclusive of the installation of 3 inch PVC main pipeline and riser pipe. It can irrigate 1 acre in about one and half hour time. Since it has 3-inch pipe and a wide nozzle, even composts such as biogas slurry can be applied to the crop through it. Since the water is applied with force, pests like aphids, white flies etc. can be washed down. It does not even need additional pipelines because of its large coverage.
A simple comparison of a conventional sprinkler system with this clearly illustrates the advantages of his innovations over other systems. Two ‘Chandraprabha Rain gun’ sprinkler heads are enough to irrigate acres of sugarcane. The per head cost is Rs. 3,500/-. The per acre installation cost is Rs. 15,000/-, inclusive of the installation of 3 inch PVC main pipeline and riser pipe. It can irrigate 1 acre in about one and half hour time. Since it has 3-inch pipe and a wide nozzle, even composts such as biogas slurry can be applied to the crop through it. Since the water is applied with force, pests like aphids, white flies etc. can be washed down. It does not even need additional pipelines because of its large coverage.
A novel way of pest control He thencultivvated tobacco for a few years & thought again about a new sprinkler irrigation system. He believed that the best method to save his crop was to wash down aphids and white flies with a high-pressure water spray. He switched over to sugarcane cultivation for better returns. Although he had dug another well for irrigating the sugar cane crop, the problem of salinity and the difficulty of irrigating the dense crop made him search for an alternative. And then the sprinkler irrigation system started taking shape.
The innovator Shri. Annasaheb Udgavi was recognized by National Innovation Foundation in the year 2001 for developing the rain gun.
CS filed (Application Number: 2719/CHE/2011)
- One acre of farm can be irrigated in about 90 minutes
- Low cost, efficient, flexible and requirement based nozzle.
- Motor ratings 5-15 HP depending on models, 1440 rpm motor
- Dimension: 30 x 30 x 48 inch
- Socket wheel : 21.5 in. (height), 28 socket/round
- Material of Construction: Cast iron
- It can be locked into a specific position and thereby it ensures that the water sprayed is not wasted away and is sprayed among the intended recipient plants.
- The rain gun sprays water at high pressure and thereby the pests are washed.
- It can irrigate one acre in about one and half hours.
- Locking mechanism that prevents water from being sprayed into neighbouring areas.