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Designation : Research Associate II
Qualification : Ph. D. Botany
Department/Project : SDDM
Location : Gandhinagar, Gujarat
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Dr. Rashmi Gahane has completed her Ph.D. in Botany from RTM Nagpur University. She is involved in documentation of herbal traditional knowledge, plant identification, prior art search (PAS) of herbal practices, networking and database management. Coordination with other research institutes for development of monographs. Oversee and execute the herbarium curatorial procedures, digitizing specimen collections, management of NIF's herbarium database and crude drug repository.
Gahane, R. N. & Kogje, K. K. (2013). Effect of pre-treatments for enhancing the germination of Adansonia digitata L. and Cochlospermumreligiosum L. Indian Forester, 139(7), 648-651.
Kogje, K. K., &Gahane, R. N. (2012). Studies on propagation, in vitro regeneration and commercial exploitation of Canscora decurrens- A potential medicinal plant. Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 11, 470-475.
Gahane, R. N.,& Kogje, K. K. (2010). Antibacterial, antioxidant and phytochemical analysis of edible parts of potent nutraceutical plant-Adansonia digitata. Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences,32(4), 474-477.