
Dr. Kiran Rawat

Designation : Principal Associate

Qualification : Ph. D. Biological Sciences

Department/Project : Dissemination and Social Diffusion

Location : Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Email : kiranr@nifindia.org

Dr. Kiran Rawat is currently absorbed as Research Associate-III. Dr. Rawat joined the organization earlier in 2009 till 2011; whereby she served “Value Addition Research and Development (VARD)” team of Animal Health. Gradually she netted her doctorate from CSIR-IHBT in the field of Biological Sciences (Cancer Biology) in 2017. In 2019, she re-joined us and since then has been meticulously leading various projects of Scouting and Documentation and Database Management (SDDM) as well as VARD that has led to the formation and launch of a “Dissemination Database” online, among others. She shares the responsibility of Inspire Manak for Uttar Pradesh state and has also collaborated with various forest divisions since her interest lies in working for Forest Fringe Villages (FFVs) across India under the umbrella of SDDM, livelihood generation and Impact assessment.


Rawat, K., Shard, A., Jadhav, M., Gandhi, M., Anand, P., Purohit, R., ... & Sinha, A. K. (2019). Styryl-cinnamate hybrid inhibits glioma by alleviating translation, bioenergetics and other key cellular responses leading to apoptosis. Experimental Cell Research375(1), 11-21.

Rana, A., Sharma, E., Rawat, K., Sharma, R., Verma, S., Padwad, Y., & Gulati, A. (2016). Screening and purification of catechins from underutilized tea plant parts and their bioactivity studies. Journal of food science and technology53, 4023-4032.

Shard, A.*, Rawat, K.*, Sinha, A. K., Padwad, Y., & Kumar, D. (2016). Divergent synthesis of styryl-cinnamate hybrid analogues inspired by the natural product salvianolic acid F as a premise to investigate their anticancer activity and its metabolomic profiling. European Journal of Organic Chemistry2016(36), 5941-5949. (*Authors contributed equally)

Acharya, A., Rawat, K., Bhat, K. A., Patial, V., & Padwad, Y. S. (2015). A multifunctional magneto-fluorescent nanocomposite for visual recognition of targeted cancer cells. Materials Research Express2(11), 115401.

Rana, S., Rawat, K., Mahendru, M., Padwad, Y., Pakade, Y. B., Lal, B., & Bhushan, S. (2015). Screening of bio constituents and in vitro cytotoxicity of Clematis gouriana leaves. Natural product research29(23), 2242-2246.

Koundal, R., Rawat, K., Agnihotri, V. K., Meena, R. L., Gopichand, Singh, R. D., & Padwad, Y. S. (2015). Temporal and spatial variation in quality of essential oil of Hedychium spicatum and evaluation of its antioxidant activity. Journal of essential oil research27(3), 217-224.

Walia, M., Rawat, K., Bhushan, S., Padwad, Y. S., & Singh, B. (2014). Fatty acid composition, physicochemical properties, antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of apple seed oil obtained from apple pomace. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture94(5), 929-934.